The International Symposium and Practical Workshop on “Cardiovascular Effects of Exercise” will take place at the School of Physical Education and Sport of the University of São Paulo on June 16th to 19th, 2019.

The target audience for the Symposium is comprised by researchers, technicians and students interested in cardiovascular physiology of the exercise. The event will bring international and Brazilian lecturers who will carry out conferences and debates. There will also be presentations of academic works sent by participants.

The Practical Workshop will be about Vascular Ultrasound and Cardiac Ultrasound. Limited places will be distributed according to criteria publicised on this link.

Organized by the School of Physical Education and Sport of the University of São Paulo and the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences of the Liverpool John Moores University, the events are sponsored by Global Challenge Research Fund, part of the UK’s Official Development Assistance Commitment, FAPESP, CAPES and Ge. The institutions UNINOVE, UNIFESP and the University of Western Australia also collaborated to the event.